von DataLab_Blog | 15. Mai, 2020 | Blogbeiträge, Termine, Wissenswertes |
Cecilia Floridi zum 3. Mal in Folge Jurorin bei Loyalty Magazine Awards Wir haben mit Cecilia Floridi über Ihre Aufgabe als Jurorin bei den diesjährigen Loyalty Magazine Awards gesprochen. DataLab: Es ist nicht Dein erster Jurorenjob für die Loyalty Magazine Awards....
von Cecilia Floridi | 27. März, 2019 | Blogbeiträge, Presse, Wissenswertes |
The Commercial Power of Amazon In this piece I will look at how retailers on both sides of the Atlantic are trying to future-proof their business models in an era dominated by the commercial power of Amazon. A recent Fortune article has highlighted how Kohl´s, the US...
von DataLab_Blog | 6. August, 2018 | Termine |
Machen Sie mit beim Digital Female Leader Award 2018 Großartig! Unsere Geschäftsführerin Cecilia Floridi ist für den diesjährigen „Digital Female Leader Award 2018“ (#dfla18; #DigitalHero) in der Kategorie „Entrepreneurship“ nominiert worden! Das gesamte DataLab-Team...
von DataLab_Blog | 4. Juli, 2018 | Blogbeiträge |
In this entry we highlight the features of the wining entry of the “Loyalty without a Name” category at this year´s Loyalty Magazine Awards. Category: Loyalty without a Name Winner: UnipolSai Assicurazioni – “Ghost Loyalty” program For the first time this year, the...
von DataLab_Blog | 4. Juli, 2018 | Expertenwissen |
The Loyalty Surgery on June 20th Cecilia Floridi, DataLab´s co-founder and Managing Director, was able to bring her unique perspective on the problems facing the industry during The Loyalty Surgery, a one-day loyalty conference held at the Tower of London on June...