Within this environment, how often do potential investors undertake a detailed analysis of a company´s customer base as part of their due diligence process? If they do get round to it, are the results likely to be hidden amongst the findings from financial due diligence? Do they distinguish between active or former customers?
DataLab aims to redress this imbalance by emphasising the centrality of the monetary value of a company´s customer base as a cornerstone of its financial equity.
Even if the company manages to activate parts of the customer base, the monetary value is likely to be calculated using average values from obsolete data. The results are unlikely to reflect short-term changes or the reality of fast moving sectoral innovations.
What is the best way to establish the economic value of a company´s customer base when calculating it´s purchase price? Even more importantly, what measures will work to ensure the highest possible ROI in the future?
At DataLab we believe we can answer these questions by analysing a company´s customer base prior to purchase. Post-purchase, we will create a strategy to extrapolate the maximum financial value from the customer base and will demonstrate the results of this increase in value at the time of exit from the investment.
We don’t just see ourselves as consultants at every investment stage, we implement identifiable business measures that yield quantifiable results.
We only leave the project when the job is done!
If you are interested in finding out more about turning your customer base into a valuable source of business equity, then feel free to contact us on +49 211 417 419 670 Or write to us at sschillings@datalab-crm.de
*taken from ATKearney Study “Consumer & Retail M&A 2016: ”Has the Consumer-Retail Market Lost its Froth” https://www.global.atkearney.com/rs/emsdocuments/Has%20the%20Consumer-Retail%20MandA%20Market%20Lost%20Its%20Froth.pdf