Put your customer loyalty program to the test
What is the DataLab Loyalty Index?
The DataLab Loyalty Index is our instrument for evaluating loyalty solutions. Here we focus on the central success factors for customer loyalty programmes. Our team of experts are on hand to evaluate your existing programme and to detail its optimization potential. The evaluation is carried out not only from the customer’s perspective, but also from the company’s.

What functions does the DataLab Loyalty Index offer?
The DataLab Loyalty Index delivers a total score focusing on areas that are critical for success, such as incentive systems, program communication or customer experience. The results from store and service center checks are also included in the overall picture. Our experts use the results from these evaluations to define measures to improve your existing customer loyalty program.
- to analyze the elements crucial for your loyalty program´s success.
- to optimize your existing customer loyalty program.
- to strategically target your customer loyalty program to focus on its core market.
- to learn a variety of best practice examples.
The DataLab Loyalty Index is relevant for you, if…
- you want to have your loyalty program independently evaluated.
- you want to have an objective measurement of where your program´s performance stands in relation to the competition.
- you want to improve your loyalty program by understanding its potential for optimization.
- you want to have individual elements or the entire loyalty program thoroughly examined before a (re)-launch.
By answering eight short questions, our free loyalty test will indicate your loyalty program´s initial status.
Scoring Overview
Der gesamthaft generierte Score-Wert gibt Ihnen einen ersten Anhaltspunkt über den aktuellen Stand Ihres Kundenbindungsprogramms anhand der zwei wichtigsten Perspektiven: Der Programmattraktivität aus Kundensicht und der Programmprofitabilität aus Unternehmenssicht. Hieraus lassen sich meist mehrere Handlungsempfehlungen ableiten.
Gleichzeitig erlaubt der Gesamt-Score einen Vergleich sowohl mit Ihren direkten Wettbewerbern, als auch über Branchengrenzen hinweg.
Overall score
Critical details about customers are often overlooked in daily business. We analyse your programme mechanics, including every touchpoint, to examine every aspect of your customer communication in detail. The programme analysis is enhanced by mystery shopping and customer service checks.
When this analysis is combined with the evaluation of other factors, such the treatment of customer data or the ease of the registration process, a detailed overview of your customer loyalty programme will emerge.
Recommendations for treatments
We use a dedicated workshop to lead you through the areas under analysis and show you potential areas for improvement, supported by our varied best-practice examples. We collaborate with you to prioritize the measures needed according to their effect on the customer experience, their economic value and their feasibility.
In conclusion, we are ready to assist with practical support in the implementation of the selected package of measures.

Overall score
Critical details about customers often go unattended in daily business. We analyze your program mechanics, including every touchpoint and carefully examine every aspect of your customer communication. Mystery shopping and customer service checks, amongst others, will enhance the program analysis.

Overall score
Critical details about customers are often overlooked in daily business. We analyse your programme mechanics, including every touchpoint, to examine every aspect of your customer communication in detail. The programme analysis is enhanced by mystery shopping and customer service checks.
When this analysis is combined with the evaluation of other factors, such the treatment of customer data or the ease of the registration process, a detailed overview of your customer loyalty programme will emerge.

Recommendations for treatments
We use a dedicated workshop to lead you through the areas under analysis and show you potential areas for improvement, supported by our varied best-practice examples. We collaborate with you to prioritize the measures needed according to their effect on the customer experience, their economic value and their feasibility.
In conclusion, we are ready to assist with practical support in the implementation of the selected package of measures.