What is the DataLab Loyalty Program Configurator?
The DataLab Loyalty Program Configurator is our instrument for creating loyalty solutions. The focus here is on the central success factors for customer loyalty programs: we collaborate with you to create a customized program specifically designed to meet both your company´s needs and those of its customers.

What functionalities does the DataLab Loyalty Program Configurator offer?
We use the DataLab Loyalty Program Configurator to create pre-implementation measures, including a collaborative workshop focused on quickly defining the new loyalty program´s features. The foundation for this is based on a 120-point decision matrix, enriched with best practice examples from our extensive experience in creating loyalty programs. We make every decision based on the implications, dependencies, advantages and disadvantages relevant for our client. DataLab supports you in the decision making process, while documenting it at the same time.
- to create individual program elements or a complete customer loyalty program.
- to define and reward your most valuable customers.
- to advance the use of customer data in your company.
The DataLab Loyalty Program Configurator is suitable for you if….
- you don’t yet run a loyalty program.
- you want to know if a customer loyalty program is the right tool for your business.
- you are just starting to design your program´s features.
- you would like to optimize your loyalty program.